Marie Ellen is a licensed social worker for the state of NY and has been practicing social work for the past 15 years. She has a compassionate heart for women and families in the areas of emotional and spiritual health. It is through personal experience, and an increased awareness of the growing needs of women and families within the church body that the vision for RISE NYC was birthed. Marie Ellen envisioned a place where wholeness and healing were possible. Helping others to experience transformation is her life calling and the vision for RISE NYC.
Andrea has vast experience in the airline industry, having held various positions in marketing, customer relations, administration and management. When the vision and mission of RISE NYC were introduced to Andrea, she was excited to be a part of it. She believes it is important that the community have a safe place to share struggles and grow in understanding of how past experiences impact the way we live out our present lives. Andrea has had an integral part in the formation and development of RISE NYC. She is a visionary with the passion and leadership necessary to fulfill the mission of the organization.
Melinda offers her expertise to the RISE NYC team in areas of administration, finance and organization. While Melinda has years of experience in business management, she also has compassion for children and an ability to relate to them with a gentle and kind spirit. She had worked as a nursery school teacher and believes it is vital to provide children with a sense of value and healthy self-worth. Her unique combination of gifts along with her life experience brings versatility to the team that will help lead RISE NYC into the future.
Adee has been working in the field of Human Services since 2008. She provides support to individuals with disabilities by assessing their needs and linking them to resources within their communities. Adee is a strong believer that no one should be alone especially as they overcome challenges they encounter on their life’s journey. As a result, she has dedicated her life to be an ear for those who need to be heard, to be an advocate for those who don’t have a voice and to empower those who are trying to fulfill their purpose. Adee is excited to be collaborating with RISE NYC to bring emotional healing to families and communities one individual at a tim
Angela was immediately inspired by RISE NYC when she was introduced to its vision. She is a registered nurse with a master’s degree in nursing. Through a broad educational and clinical nursing background Angela has supported, cared for, and educated people of all ages, spiritual, socioeconomic, and cultural backgrounds. As a visionary serving the faith community, her life goal is being a part of the personal and spiritual growth process of herself and others. Angela is inspired to contribute and grateful to be part of the RISE NYC family.
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